New Parent Info.

Top Ten List

  1. Band Handbook: READ IT. The Handbook is THE LAW! It should be your first source of information about the band program. Much of what you need to know is explained in detail in the handbook. You and your student will both sign a "Statement of Responsibility" acknowledging that you have read and understand the band requirements and obligations. The handbook includes contact information for staff and booster board members for when you do have a question.
  2. Communication: Provide the band room and the band boosters with correct and complete contact information for you and your band student. PLEASE GIVE US AN E-MAIL ADDRESS! With over 325 students involved, e-mail is the most efficient and effective way of communicating information from the directors and the boosters. We do not send "spam!" We verify and/or correct and/or add to the band calendar, which can change at a moment's notice. Be sure to visit our website frequently at, which will be our primary source for publishing band information during the school year and summer months. Also check with your student -- the directors do communicate calendar and schedule changes during class time.
  3. Create a "Band In-box": Start with the Band Handbook and add to it as you receive event flyers, instruction sheets, fundraising information, student account statements, and weekly emails from the president, which will come to you with the subject line "From the Band Room" – aka FTBR. Do not delete them — print them and keep them! Return requested forms and payments promptly. Volunteers spend too much time tracking down forms and payments that are overdue.
  4. Homework Requirement: Students must submit a practice chart each Friday detailing what they have practiced for the week, including scales, music book selections and concert material. Pass offs are selections from their music book. Students can arrange to pass off assignments with a director or do them at home with SmartMusic, the software your child will receive in class. Information about submitting SmartMusic assignments will be sent home in the fall. On the filing cabinet next to the copier in the band room is a plastic 3-drawer bin, labeled "6th grade," "7th grade," and "8th grade." This is where the students submit practice charts and other assignments – make sure that your child's name is on the practice chart and you have signed it.
  5. Rehearsals and Concerts ~ NOT Optional: They are part of the school year, part of the band program, and part of your student's grade. Athletic practices and events are not excused absences. Concert dates are published with the tentative master calendar in August and do not change except in extreme circumstances. Before and after school rehearsals for the concerts are also noted on the master schedule, but are changed and added as needed. These rehearsals are limited to what is absolutely necessary and attendance is required. This is why the monthly calendars and weekly announcements are so critical. The band schedule is not static ~ it changes!
  6. Get Involved: Volunteer! Find out what's going on and where we're going next — give us your ideas and your feedback on ours! Please volunteer when we put out the call. With so many band families, we should have people coming out of the woodwork to assist whenever needed. But, the fact of the matter is, getting help is like pulling teeth. When it comes to concert events, auditions and competitions, and delivery of fundraisers, we need help. We are so grateful when parents step forward — we get to know you, and you get to know us. So sign up! It's relatively painless, you'll meet some great people, you'll learn tons about the band program, and, most importantly, you'll be supporting your band student! Please note: a significant portion of administering the band program is performed by volunteers at the request of the directors. Please be respectful of these parents' time and effort while they work to make the band program a success for all of our students.
  7. Support the Band Fundraisers: Band is expensive and we must fundraise so that we can keep our band fees at a reasonable level and address the equipment needs of our rapidly growing program. Other than director staffing and a very limited budget for instruments and equipment, Charleston County does not fund our program — WE DO! When we don't support our own fundraising efforts, our program and our students suffer the consequences, because band is about the full ensemble of students and instruments. It's not enough that Stevie Student has his piece of equipment — in order to maintain the quality of our program, every student needs to have the right equipment and every section of the band must have full instrumentation. This is a team effort, and we need your help — FUNDRAISING MATTERS — LET'S MAKE IT A PRIORITY!
  8. Fair Share Assessment: Your yearly Fair Share helps support the day-to-day operating costs of the band program and funds such things as: uniforms, registration fees for full ensemble events, the audition fee for All-County, Region 4, All-State and Solo & Ensemble, registration for the 6th grade Carowinds competition, bus transportation as needed, band room supplies, instruments and equipment, music purchases, supplemental instruction, recognition and awards, and much more. Several fundraising opportunities are available over the course of the school year to assist families in contributing to their fair share and other band expenses. The boosters also offer financial assistance for students demonstrating need. Fair Share assessments cannot be prorated. We expect students who enroll in band to complete the year. Thus, we budget expenses for the band based on the number of students enrolled at the beginning of the school year.
  9. Student Accounts: Every band student has a "student account" for keeping track of fees/charges and payments/credits. You will receive a student account statement several times during the year that will summarize the account activity. Any time you have a question regarding your student's account, contact the booster treasurer ~

    Student accounts include the following:
    • Fair Share payments
    • Spring Trips payments
    • Percussion Fees
    • Rental Agreements for school-owned instruments
  10. Payments: When it comes to turning in money for any reason, please follow these guidelines:
    • All checks are payable to "Cario Band Boosters" (please avoid sending cash)
    • All payments must be identified as to which student and what purpose on the memo line
    • All payments should be in a sealed envelope with student's name and payment purpose
    • All payments can either be deposited in the band payment box directly inside Mr. Scott's office door or mailed to Cario Band Boosters, 1121-B Park West Blvd., #224, Mt. Pleasant SC 29466