From the President
Sending a day late but hope everyone made it thru the storm okay—please keep those that were not as fortunate in your thoughts.
I understand that several people are not receiving these weekly emails. There is an issue with Google that is limiting the number of emails they allow to be sent. I am contacting our provider again to see how they can assist. If you find out someone didn't receive the email, please forward it to them.
Another item to mention---volunteers are necessary for our Band to function properly. There will be several emails over the next couple of days for opportunities so check your schedules and volunteer!
From the Directors
Lessons Academy begins this week---obviously last week was cancelled.
8th Grade night with the Wando Band in this Friday September 21st—an email was sent today by the Directors. This is a mandatory event for the students—please send any questions to the Directors. Students should wear their Blue Cario Band Shirt—if the current one is too small, please get with Mr. Scott or Mrs. Mumford
Don't forget to turn in practice charts each week.
Another reminder!! Please remember to get all the forms you received in your packet completed and sent back to the Band Room asap---and please remember to sign and have your students sign in the designated spots. And please remember the Data Sheets---really important to make sure we have all your information in the system,
The Dates for the Save-Around Coupon Book fundraiser are Sept 21st-Sept 28th. Books have been shipped and are scheduled to arrive on Thursday—these will be distributed to the kids.
Community Service
The Beach Sweep was cancelled last week—information will be sent once it is rescheduled.
Uniform Night
The Uniform Night is scheduled for Wednesday September 26th—an additional date has been added, Wednesday October 3rd for those that cannot make the first evening. If your student is receiving a uniform from Orchestra or Chorus, he or she does not need to attend. A volunteer sign up will follow this week
Welcome Breakfast
PLEASE READ THIS COMPLETELY!!! The 6th Grade Welcome Breakfast is scheduled for Saturday September 29th from 7am to 9am (a slight change from previous emails). We must leave Burton's Grill by 9:30 that day so they can prepare for their opening. They are gracious enough to host this event for us so we have to respect their needs. Any 6th Grade families that plan to attend MUST RSVP with the accurate number of people attending—if you do not RSVP, you will be placed on a wait list in order to accommodate those who did. Also, we need as many people as possible to attend the earlier times—amazing how in my 3 years with the Band Boosters that everyone wants the later times! LOL
8th Grade Parents—all 8th Grade students are expected to attend and serve the new students. Check in 30 minutes prior to scheduled volunteer times. This event is crucial to the success of our Band as this is the first event for most of our new families. We have an awesome group of 8th Graders and I can't wait for these new families to see it too!!
A sign-up sheet will be sent tomorrow for sign ups (attendees, both student and parent volunteers).
Upcoming Dates
Friday September 21st—8th Grade Wando Band Night—Wando Band Room—5pm
Wednesday September 26th—1st Uniform Night—Band Room—4pm-7pm
Saturday September 29th—New Family Welcome Breakfast—Burton's Grill—7am--9am
Wednesday October 3rd—2nd Uniform Night—Band Room—4pm-7pm